
All photos have been captured by me, unless otherwise stated.

Friday, 19 September 2014

The Leaves Aren't The Only Thing Changing This Autumn

From pseudo- mom to whirl wind nanny, it is amazing how life can change so quickly.

The past year I have spent with N-Bean and G-Force being, in large, a third parent. I was with them most of the day and over-night here and there. Not only was this a very steady job choice, but it was like gaining a few family members. I have an extremely close bond with N, who calls me “Bor” for reasons I am unsure of. G and I have a unique and close relationship as well although it involves more head-butting (figuratively) and Lego building. It doesn’t just end there. The whole family will be connected to me for life. I will make sure of it. 

In July, my lovely work family moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Over the summer I traveled to Pittsburgh to help the kids settle into their neighborhood. If I am totally honest, I also did it because it made the goodbyes much more gradual. I hate goodbyes, even if they are temporary. For the rest of my life I will never forget saying goodnight to G the night before I flew back home. Tucking him in and hugging him tight. After which I climbed into N's big girl bed and snuggled up with her. I was okay, really, until she said "I wuv you, Bor". Then, in true Lauren fashion, I lost it. I bawled and kissed her goodnight and told her I loved her too. Even though I will see them all again, it couldn’t help but feel like being face to face with the end to an era. Most certainly a great year at the very least.

Now it is mid-September, and I am a woman of many jobs. All in childcare. On Monday, and Tuesday I work with two wonderful little girls in Bloor West Village. The other two days a week will hopefully be split between two more families as soon as schedules are finalized. This makes for three families a week. What a difference. 

Part of me will miss growing a bond with one family, but another part of me is excited to be that adult friend the kids see once or twice a week. I am thrilled to be flying in and out of their lives and being in charge of bringing on the fun. This next year should bring on a new side to my childcare experiences, a new chapter to my life, and bring me ever closer to being ready for mommy-hood myself (don't get any idea, family of mine). 

Cheers to changes, life bonds, and goodbyes that are not forever.


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