
All photos have been captured by me, unless otherwise stated.

Monday, 8 December 2014

Bad Days, That Aren't Bad Days At All.

Everyone has those days. The days where everything just fucks up. Nothing works. You all know what I am talking about. I have them all the time. Days where I fall on the streetcar, or spill coffee all over myself, only to take two steps and spill it again. Days where the printer paper jams up so badly I have to walk away (and have my loving husband deal with it so I don't punch it. Repeatedly). Days when I get off at the wrong subway station or burn my mouth on a scolding hot breakfast sandwich (Thanks, Starbucks!). Those days suck. Really suck. Fortunately, when you're having those kind of days, you have reasons for it. You have all those little terrible mishaps to list to anyone who will listen, and blame for why your day is completely atrocious. You have reasons for wanting, with all your heart, to crawl back into the safety of your bed.

Today is not one of those days, and yet, it is still an awful day for me. Maybe I woke up on the wrong side of the bed?

I haven't spilled a thing. I was on time, the transit ride was bearable (which is surprising). Nothing was out of the ordinary. Yet, I couldn't pull myself out of bed. I didn't want to leave the house. I had a really hard time smiling all day (SO NOT ME), and I can't shake the urge to cry. I have literally been fighting back tears all day over nothing. No, my lady times aren't coming. No, I do not suffer from depression. No, no one said anything to hurt me. This just happens to me once in a while. Completely out of the blue. I just am not a happy camper today. In fact, I can be best described as a sad, despondent, camper staring blankly as the day passes with each minute.

Why am I sharing this? Well, the answer to that is frighteningly simple. One thing I always love to do is write. So, I figured if I wrote down exactly how I was feeling today, maybe that would curb the actual emotions. Writing therapy style.  I can say that it is truly helping. Each sentence I type is making my feel a little better. I have always known that writing things down is the best way for me to deal with my emotions, and this is just further proof. I don't feel 100 percent like my happy, smiley self. However, I do feel a little less like crying, and that is a great start.

Also, maybe some of you have days like today. Days where your just unhappy for no real reason, or maybe a bunch of tiny, relentless reasons. If you are like me, and these days creep up on you out of the blue, I would love to hear about them, and what you do to cope. Personally, I am going to end my day with a glass of red wine, some tacos, and some much-needed Husbie hugs (It does make me smile to call him my Husband. I hope that never gets old). Tomorrow is a new day. Tomorrow I will wake up on the right side of the bed, and hopefully not have a coffee-spilling, transit-mishap, printer-jamming kind of day either. That would totally suck.

Cheers to the better days, more smiles, and writing, writing, writing...


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