
All photos have been captured by me, unless otherwise stated.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

The Next Five

Well it only took over a year, but I did it. I lost the next five pounds.

Let me be clear, I took some (a lot) of time off. From June of last year, to April of this year to be exact. So I gained back five of the first ten I lost (please see blog post titled “The First Ten”). Between summer beer-drinking, and winter fat-layering, I was not the most active girl. However, I can now say that I have not only lost that five that was gained, but also five more. I am thrilled.

Between the Fitbit, eating more consciously, and a little routine called “write for thirty minutes and run on the spot like a lunatic for fifteen”, I have been kicking my butt into shape. I even started, and am still working on an month-long abdominal challenge, I think I will have to repeat it next month before any results are shown. Although, if you poke your finger into my flesh, through the layer of remaining fat, you can feel the beginning outlines of stomach muscles. Maybe by next year I will have a six-pack… of beer to congratulate myself on a four-pack of abs.

The most important mantra I try and remember is that it doesn’t matter how many times you fail, as long as you keep trying. Truth.

I am trying my butt off. Literally, where did it go? I am trying every day to be a better person from my mind, to my body, and especially in my soul.

Keeping it sharp by writing every single day, regardless of whether I enjoy the subject, doing word puzzles, and being my witty, adorable self. You know it's true. Becasue negative energy consumes positive body image, I remind myself daily that I am beautiful, and trust me, you are too.

Showing my body that she is an incredible, reliable, machine and deserves to be treated with the up-most respect. Occasionally I fail, and poison her a little with alcohol, and maybe some poutine. The important thing is that I try every day to show her how important she is to me by working harder the next day.

Ah. My soul, she is full of laughter, kindness, creativity and love, but she also has hatred. It is a continuous struggle to let the hatred go, and give room for endless good things. Even today, I came across a Facebook post that I truthfully despised. It sparked a really good idea for a rant, but I stopped myself. I decided, that even though the message of the rant was good and important, it stemmed from a hateful place. So I axed that idea, and did my yoga. Here we are, child’s pose anyone?

My body is not the only part of me that requires conditioning, love, and attention. There is always room for improvement and the path to being the best form of yourself is a lifelong path.

Take care of your very own curious mind, hard-working body, and your delightful soul. This is what makes up you, and you are awesome. 

Until next time,


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